Shah Rukh Khan Called DESHDROHI On Twitter By Sr. BJP Leader
Shah Rukh Khan is facing criticism on social media circles as well as political circles for his “growing intolerance” remark that he made on the day of his 50th birthday. Just yesterday a Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Sadhvi Prachi called him a “Pakistani Agent”, and now Kailash Vijayvargiya, a senior leader and national general secretary of BJP has attacked Shah Rukh for his remarks and said that the body of actor may be present in India but “his heart is in Pakistan”.
In a series of tweets, Kailash came harshly upon Shah Rukh by saying that his “tune is to sing with Pakistan and forces against in India.”
Bharatiya Janta Party and the government has already distanced itself from the comments made by the senior leader as Prakash Javadekar , the Union Minister said Vijayvargiya was not a party spokesperson. “I condemn his comments outright.”
Kailash has brought embarrassment for the party earlier as well when he called the “Vyapam scandal a small scandal, he said, “For us it (Vyapam) is a chutput (small) scam. It may be big for you.”
He also mocked the death of journalist Akshay Singh who was working on the Vyapam scandal and was trying to find the reasons behind the mysterious deaths of persons related to scandal, he said, “Is a journalist bigger than me?”, however later he tried to save himself by saying that he was just joking.
Have a look at the tweets made by senior leader Kailash Vijayvargiya:
शाहरुख़ खान रहते भारत में हैं पर उनका मन सदा पाकिस्तान में रहता है। उनकी फिल्मों यहाँ करोड़ो कमाती है पर उन्हें भारत असहिष्णु नजर आता है 1/5
— Kailash Vijayvargiya (@KailashOnline) November 3, 2015
यह देशद्रोह नहीं तो क्या? भारत संयुक्त-राष्ट्र का स्थाई सदस्य बनने को है, पाक समेत सभी भारत विरोधी ताकते इसके विरुद्ध षड्यंत्र रच रही है 2/5
— Kailash Vijayvargiya (@KailashOnline) November 3, 2015
भारत मे असहिष्णुता का माहौल बनाना षडयंत्र का हिस्सा है। शाहरुख़ ने 'असहिष्णुता का राग' पाक व भारत विरोधी ताकतों के सुर में सुर मिलाना है 3/5
— Kailash Vijayvargiya (@KailashOnline) November 3, 2015
जब 1993 में बॉम्बे में सेकड़ों लोग मारे गये तब शाहरुख़ खान कहाँ थे? जब मुम्बई पर 26/11 को हमला हुआ तब शाहरुख़ कहाँ थे? 4/5
— Kailash Vijayvargiya (@KailashOnline) November 3, 2015
आज सारी दुनिया भारत व उसके नेतृत्व का मान कर रही है, ऐसे में यहाँ असहिष्णुता बढ़ने की बात करना, दुनिया के समक्ष भारत को कमजोर करना होगा। 5/5
— Kailash Vijayvargiya (@KailashOnline) November 3, 2015
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