The Reason Many Women Keep Money Purse Inside Their Blouse!
Imagine an incident! You are sitting in a share auto-rickshaw, with a beautiful lady passenger in a saree, besides you! However, you both realize you need to find change to give the auto-rickshaw driver! You put your hand inside the pocket and take it out, but to your surprise, you find the lady putting her hand inside her blouse and searching something! Well, at first you might think she is trying to seduce you, only to realize later that she isn’t seducing but is searching for her purse!
SIGH!!! But you think, why the hell is she keeping her purse inside her blouse? Well, majority of Indian women do so! Don’t you know? However, there are some reasons behind it!
No pockets in sarees!
Yes, basically, sarees don’t have pockets. Well, if they don’t have pockets, where are the women supposed to keep the money? Instead of carrying a separate purse, women prefer keeping a small purse inside their blouse.
Handbags v/s wallets! (Safety factor)
Who is going to carry those bulky handbags and at the same time manage that saree? Well, a small purse slips in perfectly inside the blouse! Moreover there is a safety factor attached to it. Many a times, there is a likelihood of handbags getting snatched away or stolen. On the other hand, a small money purse inside the blouse is anytime safe!
No tension of forgetting the purse!
When you keep a small purse inside your blouse, you don’t have to worry about anything. Whether you are traveling by a bus or auto, now there is no fear of forgetting your purse anywhere.
Mainly kept by old ladies and those who can’t afford!
Since olden times, grannies have always followed this trend of keeping the purses inside their blouses! This was because they didn’t like carrying those fancy bags or clutches(owing to age factor). On the other hand, even women who cannot afford buying those costly wallets or purses, find this method as a good one! Their main purpose is solved, i.e. carrying money!
So, these were the reasons why women prefer keeping the purse inside their blouse. So do you have anything to say on this? Do comment in our comments section below!